Thursday, May 7, 2015

Baltimore Inner Harbor Saturday May 2, 2015 After Protests of Freddie Gray's Death

Saturday May 2, 2015 in Baltimore Inner Harbor, during the week-long troubles, after Freddie Gray died in police custody. You'll see National Guard troops stroll by; you look left, up on the balcony to see more, and there were guard troops and police all through and around Harbor Place. This video was shot and edited as a historical document, and to show people today what it was like in the Inner Harbor as the heavy week wound down. It is also done to show those who don't know what the place is like what it is like. In particular, the families and friends of the National Guard troops and police support from other jurisdictions, who don't know what it is like, can see where the place of duty was that took the guard & police members away from home for awhile. Also, it was done for the armed Americans stationed there on guard to look back on in years to come. Ever since I was a U.S. Army photographer in 1969-71, I've loved producing photographic memories for armed forces personnel. And everyone.

 [Watch this in HD on Full Screen, if you can.] 

Photography by David Robert Crews
{a.k.a. ursusdave}

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